David Dylan Thomas' book "Design for Cognitive bias" on a mango wood table

Design for Cognitive Biais

Ok, it's not a book exclusively about web accessibility. But, in this book, David Dylan Thomas shows us how dangerous our bias can be and guides us on how to make better invisible choices.

Giving a damn about accessibility

Sheri Byrne-Haber wrote this free practical handbook for designers about accessibility.
(PDF and audio versions)

Illustration: Passeio

Ebook cover of Accessibility for Digital Experience

Accessibility for Digital Experiences 101

This is a comprehensive guide for those who need practical tips for designing digital products more accessible.
Personal note: even if that guide is about starting accessible digital products, I profoundly regret it was designed (and validated!) with so poor contrast-ratios!

Free e-book (pdf format)

Accessibility for Everyone

Accessibility for Everyone by Laura Kalbag

If you’d like to start with accessibility but don’t know where to start, treat yourself with this short & action-packed accessibility guidebook ?